Senin, 21 April 2014

Marketing Vocabulary (50+)

1. Brand : A particular make of product

2. Consumer : The person who buys and uses a product or service

3. Cost : [cost, costed, costed] to estimate the price of making a product.

4. Develop : To create a new product or improve an existing one

5. Distribution : The delivering of products to end-users, inc. advertising, storing 

6. End-user :The person, customer etc who is the ultimate (and so real) user of a product

7. Image : The concept or perception of a firm or product held by the general public

8. Label : Small piece of paper, metal etc on a product giving information about it

9. Launch : To introduce a new product, with publicity etc

10. Mail order : The selling of goods by post

11. Market research :Study of consumers' needs & preferences, often for a particular product

12. Point of sale : The place where a product is actually sold to the public

13. Product : Something made to be sold; merchandise [includes services]

14. Public relations : Creation and maintenance of a good public image

15. Registered : Registered or officially recorded as a trademark

16. Sponsor : Firm supporting an organisation in return for adverting also 

17. S.W.O.T. : Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

18. Total product : The whole product, inc. name, packaging, instructions, reliability, after-sales etc

19. Trademark : Special symbol, design, word etc used to represent a product or firm

20.  After sales service : Service that continues after the sale of a product (maintenance, etc.)

21. Agent : Person or company that acts for another and provides a specified service.

22. B2B e-commerce : Business to business e-commerce use of commercial network online product catalogues and other online resources to obtain better prices and reach new customers.

23. B2C e-commerce : Business to consumer e-commerce online sale of goods and services directly to consumers.

24. Benchmarking : Comparing one's products to those of  competitors in order to improve quality and performance.

25. Buyer :1) Any person who makes a purchase, 2) A person employed to choose and buy stock for a company.

26. Cash refund offer : Offer to pay back part of the purchase price of a product to customers who send a "proof of purchase" to the manufacturer.

27. Chain store : Two or more shops or outlets that have the same owner and sell similar lines of merchandise.

28. Client : A person who buys services or advice from a lawyer, an accountant or other professional.

29. Close : Finalize a sale or deal.

30. Convenience store : Small shop located near a residential area that opens long hours, seven days a week.

31. Coupon : Certificate that gives customers a saving when they purchase a specific product.

32. Deal : A business transaction.

33. Department store : A large shop or store that carries a wide variety of product lines.

34. Direct investment  : Entering a foreign market by setting up assembly or manufacturing facilities in that country.

35. Discount : A reduction in price.

36. E-commerce : Buying and selling by electronic means, primarily on the internet.

37. E-marketing : Promotion of products and services over the internet.

38. Extranet : Network that connects a company with its suppliers and distributors

39. Follow-up : Maintain contact after the sale to ensure customer satisfaction.

40. Franchise : Association between a manufacturer or wholesaler (franchiser) and an independent business person (franchisee) who buys the right own and operate a unit in the franchise system.

41. Guarantee : A promise that product will be repaired or replaced if faulty.

42. Intranet : A network that connects people to each other within a company.

43. Joint venture : A way of entering a foreign market by joining with a foreign company to manufacture or market a product or service.

44. Market leader  : The company with the largest market share in an industry.

45. Mark up : Percentage of the price added to the cost to reach a selling price.

46. Opinion leader : Person with a reference, who, because of competence, knowledge, or other characteristics, exerts influence on others.

47. Packaging : Designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.

48. Product line : A group of products that are closely related.

49. Prospect : A potential customer.

50. Representative : A person who represents and sells for a company.

51. Retail : To sell in small quantities, as in a shop, directly to customers.

52. Shopping centre : Group of shops developed and managed as a unit.

53. Telephone marketing : Using the telephone to sell directly to customers.

54. Trade fair : An exhibition at which companies in a specific industry can show or demonstrate their products.

55. Viral marketing : The internet version of word-of-mouth marketing - email messages that customers pass on to friends.

56. Wholesale : To sell goods and services to those buying for resale


Direct and Indirect speech

There two ways to convey a message of a person, or the words spoken by a person to other person.

1.      Direct speech
2.      Indirect speech

Suppose your friend whose name is John tells you in school, “I will give you a pen”. You come to home and you want to tell your brother what your friend told you. There are two ways to tell him.

Direct speech: 
John said, “I will give you a pen”.
Indirect Speech: John said that he would give me a pen.

In direct speech the original words of person are narrated (no change is made) and are enclosed in quotation mark. While in indirect speech some changes are made in original words of the person because these words have been uttered in past so the tense will change accordingly and pronoun may also be changed accordingly. In indirect speech the statement of the person is not enclosed in quotation marks the word “that” may be used before the statement to show that it is indirect speech.  Indirect speech is also called reported speech because reported speech refers to the second part of indirect speech in which something has been told by a person.
Reporting verb: The verb first part of sentence (i.e. he said, she said, he says, they said, she says,) before the statement of a person in sentence is called reporting verb.
Examples. In all of the following example the reporting verb is “said”.

He said, “I work in a factory” (Direct speech)

He said that he worked in a factory.(Indirect speech)

They said, “we are going to cinema”(Direct speech)

They said that they were going to cinema.(Indirect speech)

Reported Speech. The second part of indirect speech in which something has been told by a person (which is enclosed in quotation marks in direct speech) is called reported speech. For example, a sentence of indirect speech is, He said that he worked in a factory. In this sentence the second part “he worked in a factory” is called reported speech and that is why the indirect speech as a whole can also be called reported speech.

Fundamental rules for indirect speech.

  1.  Reported speech is not enclosed in quotation marks.
  2.  Use of word “that”: The word “that” is used as a conjunction between the reporting verb and reported speech.
  3.  Change in pronoun: The pronoun (subject) of the reported speech is changed according to the pronoun of reporting verb or object (person) of reporting verb (first part of sentence). Sometimes the pronoun may not change.
In following example the pronoun of reported speech is “I” which will be changed in indirect speech into the pronoun (Subject) of reporting verb that is “he”.


Direct speech: 
He said, “I am happy”

Indirect Speech:
 He said that he was happy.

Direct speech: 
I said to him, “you are intelligent”

Indirect Speech : I said him that he was intelligent.
(“You” changed to “he” the person of object of reporting verb)

1. Change in time: Time is changed according to certain rules like now to then, today to that day, tomorrow to next day and yesterday to previous day.

Direct speech: He said, “I am happy today”
Indirect Speech: He said that he was happy that day.
  1. Change in the tense of reported speech: If the first part of sentence (reporting verb part) belongs to past tense the tense of reported speech will change. If the first part of sentence (reporting verb part) belongs to present or future tense, the tense of reported speech will not change.
Direct speech: He said, “I am happy”

Indirect Speech: He said that he was happy. (Tense of reported speech changed)

Direct speech: He says, “I am happy”

Indirect Speech: He said that he is happy. (Tense of reported speech didn’t change)